SRT Services Privacy Policy
Your Privacy Is Important to SRT Services (SRT)
SRT sees this website as an important tool in our Purpose which is to create awareness regarding the emotional harm caused by Sexually Related Trauma (SRT) and to provide a path to healing for those affected.
When you are visiting our website, we may collect various types of information to improve your interaction with the site. Examples of the types of information we collect are:
• IP address
• Operating System
• Browser Software and Version
• Search Engine Keywords
• Personal information that you provide to us
The data that we capture from our website will in no way be shared or sold to any third party. Access to personal information within SRT is closely monitored and available on a need to know basis only. The collected data is used in two ways:
• Aggregate Information: All data that we collect regarding your usage of the site is
summarized (aggregated) into reports to help us improve the site. We in no way use
the data to track your personal usage of the site.
• Personal Information: All personal data that you provide through the site (inquiries for
our groups, programs or volunteer opportunities) will be used only for its intended
The security of the information that you provide to us is very important to us. Hence, we have taken measures to protect your information. All transactions involving sensitive financial information, such as your credit/debit card number, are conducted and protected through DonorView. Your personal financial information is not seen by anyone at SRT. Other sensitive information that we may collect will not be disclosed to third parties unless we are required to do so by law.
SRT provides links to other sites that are neither owned nor controlled SRT. These third party
sites, however, are not subject to or bound by the SRT Privacy Policy. Such third party sites may
or may not have their own privacy policies and may or may not collect personal information
from you. SRT is not responsible for the privacy policies or any information collection practices
of these sites or any damages resulting therefrom.
This website uses cookies to be able to identify you when you return to our website. If you do
not allow cookies to be placed on your computer, this web site may not function properly.
However, you may prevent the placement of a cookie on your computer by setting the
Preferences or Internet Options of your browser to reject cookies.
We will post any material changes to this privacy policy at least 30 days prior to the change
taking effect. Any information collected under this current policy will remain bound by the terms
of this privacy policy. After the changes take effect, all new information collected, if any, will be
subject to the revised privacy policy.
If you have questions about this policy or feel that we have acted in violation of this policy,
please contact:
Rachel Bren
or write:
Rachel Bren
Executive Director
SAVAnon, Inc
PO Box 11664
Spokane Valley, WA 99211
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