Life Area Wheel



Here are the eight life areas with a brief explanation in alphabetical order. Each of these areas of your life are equally important but we all tend to have areas where we are stronger and other areas that need some extra work. Sexually Related Trauma (SRT), if not properly dealt with, can have adverse effects on some areas of your life. When one area of your life is unhealthy, the effects of that unhealthiness can often spill over into other areas of your life.

1. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the EMOTIONAL AREA of your healthy are you emotionally?

By “emotional area” we mean emotions such as anger, sadness, regret, hope, happiness, joy as well as all the many other emotions. Consider things such as to what extent are you controlled by your emotions, if you tend to experience negative emotions more often than more positive ones and to what extent are you able to enjoy life and experience fun?
2. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the FINANCIAL AREA of your healthy are you financially?

By “financial area” we mean how well are your basic needs being met such as food and shelter? Are you burdened by excessive debt or have unhealthy spending habits? Do you have a written budget and are you living within your means? Do you have money saved for emergencies, vacation and retirement?
3. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the INTELLECTUAL AREA of your healthy are you intellectually?

By “intellectual area” we mean your capacity to learn.  No one knows it all.  However, we all need to strive to continue to learn more but often things get in our way of learning.  The thing to consider here is to rate how intentional you are about learning and expanding your knowledge.

4. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the MENTAL AREA of your healthy are you mentally?

By “mental area” we mean your ability to think and reason. Maybe consider what others might say about your capacity for critical thinking. Do not confuse mental with intellectual; many brilliant people lack wisdom or even common sense. Many others make decisions based on emotions rather than rational thought. Other things to consider here are your judgement, your ability to make prudent decisions and how you manage stress.
5. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the PHYSICAL AREA of your healthy are you physically?

By “physical area” we mean how well are you caring for your body. Many people tend to focus more on this area than any other area because it is the area of life we cannot hide or fake. We all know about the importance of eating healthy and regular exercise but how discipled are we in doing what we know to do? Another thing to consider is this: we all know our own body better than anyone else; how are you about seeking professional help when you detect that something may be wrong with your body?
6. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the RELATIONAL AREA of your healthy are you relationally

By “relational area” we mean the overall quality of the relationships with family, friends and co-workers; the people you live your life with. You may have an excellent relationship with siblings, friends and some co-workers but a horrible relationship with a parent, other siblings and other co-workers. Look at this as a rating on how you think you get along with the people in your life closest to you.
7. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the SOCIAL AREA of your healthy are you socially?

By “social area” we mean your contribution to the overall improvement of our world. We DO NOT mean how often you are invited to parties or social events but these activities can certainly play a part in our social health. The world is full of problems and injustice and we cannot fix everything by ourselves...but we can do something. How intentional are you in spending time to make your community and the world a better place.
8. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being the healthiest, rate the SPIRITUAL AREA of your healthy are you spiritually?

By “spiritual area” we mean your relationship with God. If you do not believe that God exists or have any sort of relationship with Him, that’s okay. Rate it for what it is.


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